Enrique, Oliver and Mateo are three young men travelling around the world in search of adventure. They reach the Aral Sea, in the former Soviet Republic of Uzbekistan. They wait at an old train station for the next train to arrive, which is already a day late. Silvan, an arms dealer, appears, and offers to swap them a gun for the ten litres of water they are carrying. They agree, and soon realise that all the water around them is contaminated…
4 personajes
4 roles masculinos
4 actores
2005: Published by publisher “La Avispa”
2007: Published by the Universidad Autonoma de México (on the occasion of the Guadalajara Book Fair).
This work has been copyrighted. Any form of reproduction, distribution, publication, performance and reworking is strictly forbidden, except as set out in the law, or with the explicit consent of Aurora Mateos. Any violation of this copyright can be considered a crime against intellectual property, and may incur the appropriate administrative and civil penalties.
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Casa del Libro
Theatre company “Pendientesdeunhilo”
El Cultural Magazine
Google books
Casa del Libro
Theatre company “Pendientesdeunhilo”
El Cultural Magazine