Teatro Breve /Short theater

Et in hora




Two mothers of two enemy soldiers decide to switch bodies as revenge for the cruelty of war


2010: II Voices on Stage. Cast: Isabel Ordaz.
2010: X Monologue Marathon. “Casa Encendida Theatre”. Cast: Kiki Manver.
2010: XI Monologue Marathon. “Grand Theater of Córdoba”. Cast: Nerea Garciolo.
2011: Publication academic magazine “Estreno” (U.S.)

Spanish version
Russian version

A gentleman’s agreement

Synopsis: Robert pays 50 pounds to the teenage son of his girlfriend to make him go with him to a football match. But during the match, many family secrets emerge …
English version

Eternity and some other lies


Synopsis: In the solitude of the night, a former lover speaks to his beloved, several years after she left, and he makes an unforgettable confession.

2009: IX Mologue Marathon, “La Casa Encendida Theatre”, Madrid
Spanish version

Spanish version

Notes on abnormality

Synopsis: The love story of a couple told through their mortgages

2007: Finalist Teatro Expres Award 2007
Spanish version

Article 153

Sinopsis: A monologue about the court system and domestic violence.

2012: XIV Monologue Marathon. “La Casa Encendida Theatre”, Madrid. Cast: Pepa Sarsa.

Spanish version

Spanish Version

Memories from a lost world

Synopsis: Two policemen find an abandoned boat and dead migrants in Tarifa. However, they realize there is the possibility to save one of them. The veteran policeman reflects on the financial cost and social impact of this situation …

2006: Theatre Círculo de Bellas Artes, Madrid (VII Salón Internacional del Libro Teatral).
Spanish version

La Bella Europa

Sinopsis: Dos hombres charlan en un bar sobre los últimos acontecimientos que han tenido lugar en la vida privada de uno de ellos desde que este Pigg conoció y se casó con la bella Europa. …

2013: —teatro Atenas, Grecia.

Versión en español
Versión en griegol

Padre mío


Sinopsis: Una joven hablar a su padre que está enfermo en un hospital acerca de su futuro como parte de la generación perdida.

XVIII Maratón de monólogos en el Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid
2014: Director: Juan Carlos Rubio. Interpretado por Mila Ximenez.

Versión en español

El Plan ruso

Synopsis: Based on a true story published in the newspapers. A mother and her son arrived to a hospital in Aleppo. The child has been severely injured. They are waiting for medical assistance after a bombing, but the assistance seems impossible…


Accesit award AnimaTsur 2016
Publication by AAT 2018 in the series: “Size does not matter”
Premiere at the II Festival of contemporary Spanish theater. December 2017. Athens.

English version:

Sinopsis: Unos padres de un adolescente se informan en una agencia que vende un plan ruso para enderezar a jóvenes problemáticos

2014: XV Salón del libro teatral
Interpretado por : Sofía Valero y Alejandro Navamuel
Dirigido por Quino Falero

Versión en español

The boy who dreamed the war